- Description
Incubators Avantgarde.Line
The completely redesigned Avantgarde.Line incubators with natural convection or forced convection are now the perfect solution when it comes to meeting growth and incubation requirements. With their exceptional efficiency and perfect temperature accuracy thanks to the very latest APT.line™ technology, this new generation of incubators has real appeal.

Incubators Classic.Line
An incubator from BINDER is the perfect solution for stable incubation processes. With their excellent technical profiles, a BINDER incubator produces reliable incubation of microbiological cultures and guarantee reproducible results in every routine test in the laboratory – even under high batch throughputs in long-term operation.
A BD Series incubator functions with natural convection; in a BF Series incubator, convection ensures rapid temperature equalization after the door is opened and quick recovery times.